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Proizvodni program

Filteri Filteri


B700177, APV, 10000 l/h, for wine and beer, Second hand, plate pasteurizer

B700205, BERTOLASO, 6000 b/h, Second hand, alu capsula smooting

P700325, BRAN&LÜBBE, 12 m3/h, Second hand, pump

P700310, 1999, CHOTEBOR CHEOPS, Second hand, CIP

B700195, 1990, Chotebor VSK 12, 15000 l/h, non carbonated liquids, Second hand, plate heat changer

B800016, ESEE, 15- 30 cartons/h, cartons, Second hand, carton former and crater

P700383, EXC-103 SD, 1000 box/h, box, Second hand, box closing machine, adhesive tape

P700252, 1997, FAVA ARTEMIO, PET bottles, Second hand, orientator

B700197, 1996, FISHER, 5000 l/h, wine and beer, Second hand, plate heat changer

B700209, KETTNER, Second hand, carton former

P700555, KETTNER, 1200 carton/h, Second hand, carton maker, hot glue

P700556, KETTNER, 1000 carton/h, Second hand, caront sealer, hot glue