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Paletizátory, vkladače-vykladače

B800017, ESEE, 20 palettes/h, box, Second hand

P700313, KAHL&SCHLICHTERLE, 3-5000 b/h, glass bottles, Second hand, Decrater-Crater combi machine (two in one) with 1 head.

P700313, KAHL&SCHLICHTERLE, 3-5000 b/h, glass bottles, Second hand, Decrater and Crater combi machine (two in one) with 1 head.

P700339, KRONES PALMASTER, 25-30 pallettes/h, Second hand

B700130, OCME, 20 palettes/h, 1,5 - 2,0 L PET bottles, Second hand

B700052, UNIVIN, 10000 b/h, glass bottles, Second hand, 2 heads