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- Paletizatoare Maşină de încărcat / descărcat butelii în / din casete
- Maşini de clătit - Maşini de spălat butelii
- Maşini de etichetat - Maşini de aplicat sigil hârtie
- Maşini umplere-închidere
- Impregnatoare - Mixer
- Maşini de împachetat in folie termocontractibilă
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Reference nr.:
10000 b/h
Suitable for:
for front, back and neck label
Second hand
cold glue, with tax stamp sticker
Cold glue labelers: Labellers for applying stomach, back, neck labels, and tax stamps. Cold glue labelers are able to put unique shape labels on the bottles. The labels can be varied in any combination of stomach-back, stomach-neck and stomach-back-neck. Used labeller.
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